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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Published on 1/4/21 9:49 AM

Controlling iOS updates using Workspace ONE

The more devices and OS platforms a company has the greater the task of managing them can prove to be. There will come a point where enterprise devices will need to be managed proactively with intelligence and automation. RemoteRelief is a certified VMware Partner, reseller and managed service provider utilizing Workspace One powered by Airwatch. 

Workspace One allows an enterprise to do a myriad of operations remotely, in order to better streamline device management. Some of these operations include:

  • OS & App Updates
  • Certificate Updates
  • Setup & Troubleshooting
  • Console Management

Keeping up with software updates is crucial to ensure security compliance where all devices are operating with the latest security protocols and patches needed to keep security threats at bay and sensitive information secured. The first step is to create and categorize devices accordingly with Smart Groups.

Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 11.34.49 AMAssignment (Smart) groups dynamically organize device groups accordingly filters (i.e., OS platform, version, use case, department, region, etc.) defined by the Workspace ONE administrator. For example, a company may have a certain amount of devices designated for back-end warehouse work and another set running point-of-sale.  Keeping devices organized in groups is beneficial to day-to-day operations as it allows Workspace ONE administrators to selectively choose specifically which device groups are assigned management tasks (for example, OS and App updates) and compliance rules (minimum supported OS version) and the action to take based on automation.

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As an example if a whole fleet of devices are due for an operating system update, you want to have the ability to coordinate what specific devices undergo the update at what specific time as to not interrupt other vital operations that need to be performed if the device in currently being used for business functions.

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RemoteRelief is a certified VMware Partner, reseller and managed services provider.  RemoteRelief’s managed endpoint services are beneficial in cases where company IT resources and Workspace ONE experience are limited or overwhelmed.  RemoteRelief can create and maintain these deployments, integrations, and management of devices for companies of all sizes and industries. RemoteRelief's consultants specialize in assisting customers in setup, deployment, and remote management for their Workspace ONE environments. 



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Bryan Afonso
Author: Bryan Afonso
Marketing Coordinator at Remote Relief inc. Combining my skills and experiences that began in retail environments then shifting to handheld mobile device testing enables me to convey IT and Mobile Device Management solutions and information.

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