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Published on 7/15/20 3:46 PM

Workspace IoT Endpoint Management

Remote Relief delivers secure Workspace IoT endpoint management at scale.  Internet of Things (IoT) technology and smart connected devices are completely revolutionizing how we work and operate day to day. Today, workspace IoT—which includes: (smart devices, wearables, peripherals, and single-purpose endpoints)—are being used alongside mobile devices, across a variety of verticals (Android, Ios, Windows 10, and more) and use cases, to dramatically increase productivity, efficiency, and employee and customer experience.

Remote Relief utilizes Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management that supports the complete app lifecycle, including sourcing or developing an app, applying security policies, deploying to devices and analyzing app metrics. Sliently install internally developed apps to devices or leverage the Workspace ONE SDK or app wrapping. From the Workspace ONE console, gain visibility over apps deployed to wearable's, including the ability to view installed apps, app versions and app status on devices.

Using Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) platform solution, Remote Relief is able to empower organizations to securely manage any device—from laptops and smartphones to rugged devices and wearables—from a single console. Whether you're exploring workspace IoT technologies, pilot testing, or ready to roll-out to a production environment, leverage Workspace ONE to ensure all your endpoints are managed and meet corporate compliance and security standards.

Sometimes an IT department doesn't have enough digital workspace expertise on its staff to create and maintain these integrations. Remote Relief's MMS (Managed Mobility Services) subject matter experts, specialize in assisting clients in setup, deployment, and remote management of companies mobile and fixed devices through VMware Workspace One, RemoteHelp, & Carbon Black Cloud. If you would like more information about Remote Relief and our services, please subscribe to our tech blogs. If you are interested in a demonstration or learning more about Remote Mobile Device Management, Digital Workspace features, benefits, and complete device management capabilities click here to speak with an MMS Specialist.


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Bryan Afonso
Author: Bryan Afonso
Marketing Coordinator at Remote Relief inc. Combining my skills and experiences that began in retail environments then shifting to handheld mobile device testing enables me to convey IT and Mobile Device Management solutions and information.

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