Business Technology Blog | RemoteRelief, Inc.

Execute Any SQL Server Script using RemoteLink sessions and Powershell Scripts.

Written by Neeraj Mehta | 3/9/20 4:46 PM


When it comes to SQL, users will be asking about their scheduled jobs, related data, or they may want to troubleshoot an issue. The user may or may not be able to access the SQL Server database from their computer. The user will need a tool that will allow them to use their own SQL script to pull the desired information.


With RemoteRelief, you will have access to specified tools on your RemoteLink server that allows the user to execute any SQL Script against the RemoteLink database. Whether the user schedules it or runs it on-demand, the RemoteLink session will be able to execute multiple SQL scripts if needed (depending upon your needs).

RemoteRelief will provide the user with a custom PowerShell script that will accept their SQL Script(s). RemoteRelief will provide the user with a tool on the RemoteLink server to execute any SQL Script against the RemoteLink database. It can be scheduled or ran on-demand, the RemoteLink session will be able to execute multiple SQL scripts if needed. These scripts could be a simple “SELECT” or a Stored Procedure execution.

What You Need

There is just one requirement: The user will need to make sure that the RemoteLink service account has appropriate access to the RemoteLink database when running any SQLs. If the account has ‘read only’ access and your script is trying to create a ‘temp’ or ‘backup table’, it may fail. *Side Note: The user will need to ensure the scripts are accurate before pushing them to all devices via RemoteLink server or it too may fail.

Need Help?

RemoteRelief has SQL, SQL Database, and RemoteLink subject matter experts (SME), who aid clients in setting up and automating these types of processes. If you would like more information, subscribe to our tech blogs. If you are interested in a demonstration or learning more about operational data movement, RemoteLink features, automation and reporting capabilities click here to speak with an SQL SME.