Modern device management is based on the now universal trend, that modern operating systems,(usually mobile OS's), need to be updated on demand, anywhere, from the cloud, in an effort to properly manage countless number of devices at scale whilst ensuring application compatibility for developers.
In order for organizations to effectively manage the experience and security policies of devices; User Endpoint Management (UEM) is paramount. There have been plenty of weak points that have been exposed through device management tools, threats that can potentially expose hundreds of policy options and context data for each operating system. This is where a platform for device management comes into play.
Modern device management has been extended to every device operating system to date: Windows, Mac, Chrome, Android, iOS, and most varieties of Linux. There is no question that, in the near future, every enterprise-managed or personally owned device accessing corporate
data will be connected to a management platform.
The question is, when is it time to make the shift? Many organizations have heavily invested in years of tools, skills, and processes revolving around domain and image-based management of PCs and Macs. At Remote Relief, we believe device management is a necessary requirement for the digital workspace; it's the only way to deliver consistent experiences in a perimeter-less work environment by having real-time context of the devices used to access the apps and data employees need to do their best work.
Device management helps secure access management so there is only one application needed and only one place for users to go. It also ensures unified endpoint management for a consistently great user experience that is highly secure.
Sometimes an IT department doesn't have enough digital workspace expertise on its staff to create and maintain these integrations. Remote Relief's MMS (Managed Mobility Services) subject matter experts, specialize in assisting clients in setup, deployment, and remote management of companies mobile and fixed devices through VMware Workspace One, RemoteHelp, & Carbon Black Cloud. If you would like more information about Remote Relief and our services, please subscribe to our tech blogs. If you are interested in a demonstration or learning more about Remote Mobile Device Management, Digital Workspace features, benefits, and complete device management capabilities click here to speak with an MMS Specialist.